Let’s just come right out and say it: there’s just not a lot of Latin American classical music being performed these days. We know this from our own research, we know this anecdotally, and we know this from reports published by other organizations, such as the Institute for Composer Diversity (see the banner above).
So for us, it became clear that publishing Latin American classical music may have helped, but it’s by no means the solution to the problem.
No. We have to do more to encourage the performance of this music.
With this mind, we would invite you to read about the programs and services that we have already set into motion, and a few others that will become active in the near future.
Cayambis Sinfonietta.
The Cayambis Sinfonietta is a professional ensemble that is made up of winds, strings, percussion and piano; in essence, it’s like a small chamber orchestra that can effectively perform a wide range of music of different styles and time periods. In addition to its concert program, the Sinfonietta also performs an interactive school program to introduce students to the various characteristics of Latin American classical music.

Cayambis YouTube Page.
The Cayambis Institute is pleased to offer a platform for musicians of any level who have chosen to perform music from the catalog of top-notch editions published by Cayambis Music Press.

Conference Performance.
When fully activated, the Cayambis Institute will provide support for U.S. instrumentalists who would like to perform Latin American classical music at a national or international conference.

When fully activated, CILASiM will welcome proposals from musicians in Latin America who would like to produce a studio-quality recording of Latin American classical music.

The Cayambis Artist Program.
Under construction.